The Abundance Muscle
— By Brooke Crosley
I had a client in today. He’s a guy that has been a pro at the “back of the house” part of the business—operations, the go-to-guy. He’s a great personality with a desire to sell, so they moved him into Sales. He was handed a few small accounts that he has maintained and grown—not a “win” of his own.
We have been working together for several months, and Matt’s biggest challenge is his “attachment” to winning the deal—even if it isn’t necessarily good business for him and his company. Trust me; I understand the fear that motivates his attachment:
- Fear of disappointing others – Leaders of his company that he has great respect and affection for and a need not to disappoint
- Fear of letting down his family – A future for his family that is possible with the additional income that being successful in his Sales position can bring
- Fear of disappointing himself – Disappointment in himself after being an “expert” in one area of the business and now being “green” in Sales
He’s had a deal that he has been working that is a large piece of business—by anyone’s standards—not just the “new” guy’s. Matt and his team put together a comprehensive solution—a solution different than any the prospect had seen. Matt knew that in order to bring the most value to his prospect, they needed the entire solution—not the a la carte version. Matt stuck to his guns, met with all of the decision makers and would not piecemeal his solution. Guess what? He WON the business!
What was different about this deal? Matt was different. Matt was working from a place of “abundance.”
Abundance thinking is how you see your marketplace. Do you see it as scarce and limited or abundant with infinite possibilities? I don’t mean there are an unlimited number of customers, but, in an ever-changing marketplace, there are an unlimited number of problems that you can help the customer solve.
Working from a place of scarcity creates fear (all the fears that Matt was experiencing) and fear results in attachment—attachment to getting the deal. When you’re feeling fear, you’re thinking too much about yourself.
By thinking abundantly, Matt was able to focus outwardly and not inwardly. He made it about the client—solving the client’s problem and offering the best possible solution. And not about himself—worrying about losing the deal and disappointing the people he cares about.
When Matt was telling me this story today, the difference in his attitude was evident. It’s amazing how wen the light goes on, operating from high intent and with a feeling of abundance, it’s so bright you can’t deny it. Matt is now very clear on how he will operate going forward. Is it magic? No. Abundance thinking is a muscle that you have to continue to work. But once you have the fulfillment of bringing value on your terms—it’s hard to go back.