
  • The Abundance Muscle

    — By Brooke Crosley

    I had a client in today. He’s a guy that has been a pro at the “back of the house” part of the business—operations, the go-to-guy. He’s a great personality with a desire to sell, so they moved him into Sales. He was handed a few small accounts that he has maintained and grown—not a “win” of his own. (more…)

    Do You Feel Worthy to Earn?

    — By Brooke Crosley

    Do you feel worthy to earn? Or, is your relationship with money capping your earnings potential?

    I teach something called money scripting. Money scripting can be described as how you feel about and talk about money. How you feel about money is determined at a very early age. Thing back, maybe for you there wasn’t a lot of money—there was never enough. Or, maybe in your house, money was never discussed. You personal money script, how you are wired to think about money, will determine how you communicate pricing, how  you fill your funnel, whether you feel worthy to earn. (more…)

    Can Slowing Down Increase Productivity and Happiness, Part 1

    — Ray Williams, Psychology Today

    “Slow and less” may be better than “more and fast.”

    Today’s hectic, fast paced and overstimulated world can create a work and lifestyle of hurriedness, busyness, multitasking and workaholism, all aimed at increasing productivity and life satisfaction. Yet, there’s compelling evidence that slowing down can actually improve productivity and increase happiness. (more…)